All Beaded Up For A Reason!
Have you ever noticed all of the beads that are attached to our lifeguards’ name badges and wondered what they mean?
Well, we’re here to tell you they aren’t just being creative. 😊 Being a lifeguard is a tough job, so we like to give them little recognition for various tasks they do or situations they encounter.
Here’s what each colored bead means:
RED: First Aid – This means the lifeguard has assisted with providing first-aid to a guest.
BLUE: Rescues – This means the lifeguard has performed an in-water rescue with a guest.
GREEN: Compliments – This means a supervisor or manager has received a compliment about the lifeguard.
WHITE: Most Effective Role –This means the lifeguards has shown a willingness to take the most effective role.
BROWN: Dirty Jobs – This means a lifeguard has helped to keep our water clean.
PURPLE: Guard of the Shift – This bead is awarded to the lifeguard that “stands out” on the shift and goes above and beyond. One bead is awarded for each shift.
YELLOW: Exceeds Level Scanning – This means the lifeguard exceeded visual audits conducted by their supervisor or manager.
Oil Slick: Ellis Exceeds – This means the lifeguard has exceeded the Ellis & Associates our lifeguard training company’s audit.
Team members can earn countless beads throughout the summer and at the end of the season, each earned bead is worth a raffle ticket into our end of season party. Annually more than $1,000 worth of prizes are given out to recognize individuals for a job well done.
If you see a lifeguard all beaded up, please be sure to thank them for a job well done.